(⓿_⓿) why are you here.

About me!

I'm a 17 year old trans girl from Australia (yes everything is upside down) who enjoys:

Video games, Cinematography/film making, Music, T r a n s . r i g h t s , Drawing, and my modded 3DS (bring yours around town!)

Might add more to this in the future :P



Today i went to the arcade with my friends

We played rhythm games and racing games

We ate japanese food afterwards

It was good day


Fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck fuck

Guess who failed her driving test for a THIRD FUCKING TIME!!! ♪(^∇^*) ♪(^∇^*) ♪(^∇^*)

I am genuinely so disapointed in myself, this just, sucks.
The only reason I failed is because I bumped the curb in a reverse park, there was no. other. issue.
Hitting the curb is of course a fail item to yippe, just tapping the curb with the wheel is definitely a risk to the safety of pedestrians and worth failing my entire test over.

I may be over reacting a bit but I am just so sad and frustrated and angry. Mainly just at myself.
It sucks because I know I can pass the test, and I was just so close to it!
But yeah, thats been my day.

Don't really feel like there was anything else I wanted to add to this, I'm mostly just emotional rn, I'll play some video games to chill out and relax, or make some food.

Anyway, I might make some more posts over the weekend :P

See you all later (o゜▽゜)o☆


Hmmmmmm... Nothing has been happening in my life worth making a blog post about... o(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

So, there has been some stuff happening I guess? Yeah sure I'll do a little list :P

First off, I've been getting marks back for some classes, namely for society and culture (SOC) as well as english
SOC --> 84%
English --> 96%
Overall, pretty good, I'm quite happy with these results, especially for SOC, waaaaaaaaaaaaay better than I expected for a class I've historically been not the best at.
Tragically, my English mark is a whole 4% lower than my last essay marks (>人<;)
Jk it's a great mark, I'm still shocked I got 100% in the last one lol
anyway, other stuff I've been up to

yeah... school... Been up to nothing else lol.
Going straight back to two 9am-5:30pm days where I'm out of the house for 12 hours was tough, especially after my 4 day break. Today was a 9am-3:45pm which was a nice change of pace, and I only had two classes, but I spent almost three hours doing maths homework so blehhh...
But now I'm home, and preparing for... t o m o r r o w .

I have a BIG day tomorrow, starting with HOPEFULLY my final driving test, then going to the doctors for 2 injections, and then I have a video call I gotta do in the afternoon. I also have to make a silly voice for a sock and record it.
I will not elaborate.

Well, thats all from me for now! See you all soonish hopefully! Sorry these posts have been becoming less frequent, basically uhh, life exists lol. Anyway see ya!

have some cool stuff I've made on your way out! (mute the music at the top of the page before you play)


The new car... is... very cool.

Yeah I got nothing else to say lol

I've just been driving and indulging in the gluttony of easter ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭

I have consumed enough chocolate to kill a small child in the past 3 days

Wait is it sunday, shit its sunday, uhhhh, I gotta make an album of the week. Oops, give me like, a few hours, I have no motivation rn lol



I d r i v e . . .

The car is so cool, its the perfect inbetween of being new and also being kinda old and dingy, but in the best way possible. It handles really well, it was a reasonable price, it has good fuel efficiency, its compact, it has a reverse camera, it has apple carplay (which I can't use for like 3 years, thank you Australian Government), and so much more! Its such a cool car!!!

Car is cool, I like car, I don't like being on L's, I will have my next test next week, I hope to pass it.


I've been doing some testing on the PS3 headphones, might not be able to do a vlog on them until I'm home alone so it might be delayed in production to next week _(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ

But from what I've tested with them so far, wow... These are actually insane, the surround is crazy (I've only done stereo before, never 7.1 so its very new for me), great sound quality, and so on...
I dare not spoil more before the vlog! (also there are some downsides I will talk about, they are good, but everything has positives and negatives)

Anyway, its getting close to album of the week time again and I've just been listening to vocaloid songs rather than albums (~o ̄3 ̄)~
But there are a few albums I have in mind to put up there, kinda battling between 2 of them rn lol

Well, see you all soon! Maybe even tommorrow if I remember to not play project diva f2 all afternoon again! (yes thats what I was doing each day after school this week (I get like 90 minutes of free time by the time I finally get home don't judge me (or do, I don't really care lol)))

Don't perish my circumstances currently unknown to humanity!


Whoops! I might have forgotten about blogging!

Hey everyone, it's been longer than usual since my last post 4 days ago, and 3 days since I last updated the site for album of the week.

So what have I been up to?
Uhhhh... Just going to school... Modding my PS3... And playing Miku games on said PS3...

Yeah nothing super interesting lol, but, expect some exciting posts soon, a lot is coming up!

First of all, my headphones for my PS3 have arrived! So I'll probably make a vlog(!) for that with a review for it.On top of that, I'm getting my first car on Friday! It's a 2016 i30 from a friend at mums work. I'll have to pay for a chunk of the car and it's petrol, but my parents will cover part of the car and the insurance until I go to university!!! First I gotta pass my driving test before I can head out on my own with it. Expect a fun blog post for that one! (And maybe a vlog too! (Could do a 2 in 1 vlog this weekend?!))

But yeah, lots of exciting stuff coming up, just focusing too much on school and Miku to write posts sorry! (*゚∀゚)

Anyway, see you all soon!


So I decided to mod my PlayStation 3 today (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

Was about as easy as modding a 3DS tbh, just chuck some files on a usb, plug it into the PS3, go to a website, and the system is modded!

The sole reason I did this is because I wanted to play the Miku games on the PS3 lol, literally had no other reason to do this o(* ̄▽ ̄*)o

The Miku hyperfixation stays strong!

I've listened to this one cover about 20 times in the past 3 days. Send help.

So uhhh, yeah, now I'm just waiting for some games to download through very legal methods and then I can start playing some games!

BUT WAIT, things like this are never that easy! Up until now I have been connecting my headphones through my monitor to get audio from the PS3, and what comes through is essentially what you'd hear in those 'low quality' covers of songs that were popular the other year, like chip.mp4 and stuff.

To summarise the pain I had this afternoon with audio:
I started by trying to see if I can connect headphones over bluetooth, nope, but I can hear myself in the mic check for some reason, just no audio anywhere else.
I then tried to use custom code to allow any bluetooth headphones, nope, that did jack shit.

After that, I thought, hmm, there must be another way, and searching through reddit, I found 2 ways:
1. get a hdmi splitter that has an aux port and then goes to normal HDMI, these were hella expensive and would require shipping something from America, with no guarentee of working.
2. Get one of the old playstation composite plugs (which I do own), a composite to aux converter for my headphones, and then a composite to HDMI converter for my monitor. Not only would this be expensive, but it would be EXTREMELY janky, and have a lot of loose cables everywhere.

I began thinking, ok I guess I'm stuck with this shitty audio, but, some legend from 12 years ago on a reddit thread mentioned that sony did make a few pairs of headphones that would connect to the PS3 through a dongle. I thought, ok cool, so I have to go out of my way to find a 15 year old pair of headphones that probably sound like shit and will cost loads because old, specific hardware costs WAY too much, but, I decided to search on my favourite second hand tech store, CEX, just to keep my curiousity under wrap.
And I'm so glad I did.

So going through the PS3 accessories, I stumbled across a $30 of headphones called "Sony Wireless Stereo Headset", and yep, it was the exact pair I needed.
Doing some more digging I found that these headphones were apparently really good too! Which is a major plus because they are pretty much my only option lol.

So then I summoned father who I forced to listen to my rant about the audio situation, and he agreed the headphones were definitely the easiest option, and with 24 month warranty and $4 shipping, it was a very good deal.

Then I had to go through the pain of convincing commbank I'm not a criminal, which I mean, I'm glad it exists, its just annoying lol.

And then my order was secured! Now its just a waiting game until they arrive...
Once they do though, I'll make sure to do a review!

That's all from me today! Don't perish by unknown means! \( ̄︶ ̄*\))


Had my driving test today...

Yeah I failed oops, but only just, which was just so...

(click on image to access the post I uhhh "borrowed it from")

So this was now my second attempt, just missed 6 headchecks which is so frustrating because I was so close to the licence but oh well

I went home sad, so the only appropriate thing to do to cheer myself up was to make bread (I don't understand my sad logic but eh). In my recent-ish obsession over sweet breads instead of cakes and stuff (which have suddenly become far too sweet for me to enjoy), I decided to make milk bread, because I've seen it over youtube and I've tried many other sweet breads before, due to me frequenting asian shops and bakeries because I am a cheapskate who loves good value for money ヾ(≧ ▽ ≦)ゝ

(plus it just tastes really good lol)

I started making the bread thinking I had all the ingredients, until I got to the flour, and uh oh, I was missing half a cup, so I ran up the road and got some, running as fast as possible in 4 year old thongs (flip flops, sandals, whatever) that are barely holding together, all the way to the shops and back.

Finally, I could get back to making the...
b r e a d . . .
We dont have a stand mixer in our apartment, but I do have hands, and a bench, and now, much flour from my little trip to the shops. So, I went to knead das brot (the bread)

I didn't know going in, but I had apparently created the stickiest substance known to humanity, it was hard to find where my arms started and the bread ended, it stuck to EVERYTHING.

But through pure dedication (and a shit ton of flour) I was able to knead the dough into a manageable state, so then I plopped it into an oiled bowl and let it proof for an hour, before coming back, seperating the loaf in two, chucking the dough into the cake tins (or I guess bread tins in this case), and letting it go for a second proof for 30 minutes

However, upon returning, I was left in shock, the dough looked the same... fuck.

So I left it to proof for another half hour, which did nothing, so I gave up on that front, chucked on an egg wash to the dough, and threw it all in the oven

19 minutes later, I came back into the kitchen to the smell of fresh, sweet bread. Opening the oven, I was left in awe, the bread rose during cooking! (well no shit, but it did rise far more than I was expecting)

Then I took some photos and ate a bunch of it and now I feel fat.



Wow its been a while (2 days)

I've been doing lots of work on the website, alongside watching through game of thrones with mum, and you know... School. So, I've been busy, on top of that, I've been playing Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX on my 3DS to and from school

I think I might have created an addiction...

She's just so silly I love her (p≧w≦q)

Anyway yeah thats all, been playing and listening to miku stuff, having fun, lets see how long this hyper obesession lasts lol

SHIT I STILL HAVE TO FINISH PERSONA 5. (I've also been playing yokai watch too lol)

Ok I'm going to bed now, I'm tired, don't perish! (o゜▽゜)o☆


I'm back! (no big surprise)

So I've made a lot of progress since I last posted on my blog (one day lol). I've done some formatting, a lot of backend stuff, and uhh, yeah thats it I think (。_。)

In other news, I had my Society and Culture exam

(Tip for students choosing your courses for year 11, don't choose society and culture. Trust me, I'm over a year in, it sucks ass.)

The exam wasn't my worst performance ever, but it wasn't great either. Yet judging how the rest of the class reacted, I think I might have done a bit better!

One of my friends said he didnt even get to doing the last 2 EIGHT MARK questions ...( _ _)ノ|

So yeah, thats pretty much all that happened today, its getting late so I should probably end this post, see you all soon!

17-03-24 (FIRST POST)

Hello internet! I've been meaning to start a blog for a while now lol (* ̄3 ̄)╭

So this site isn't just for my blog, but I also wanna share the stuff I've produced, share the music I love, and everything else of the sort!

It's likely VERY obvious that I have little experience with HTML and CSS, but hey, you can't get better at something if you don't try!

You've reached the end of the posts! (^∀^●)ノシ