(⓿_⓿) why are you here.


oops, currently under development ~(* ̄▽ ̄*)ブ





An Interview With Max [2023]

This short film was made with an incredibly small team, 3 people to be exact. It was during both exam week for external students, and the biggest wave of sickness my class had ever faced

So to make it work, we had everyone do the roles of 2-3 people. I was the writer of the questions, the set and lighting designer, operator of camera B, and the editor!

This film is basic, and it does have flaws, but the vibes of it are some of my favourite that I've produced for actual film (and not just all digital assets)

The actor in this film is one who is in almost every film we've made for the class, so, an interview with him is a good way to get to know more about him!

KiwiQuest [2023]

A questionable 'classic' that demonstrates some of my early adventures into After Effects and more intense video manipulation.

A parody of BrodyQuest by Neil Cicierega (aka Lemon Demon), using an old design of my character 'Kiwi' (yes Kiwi is a character, who is just a self insert tbh).

The Woolies Lie [2023]

This film is from later into the year, the whole organisation behind it was very uh... Goofy? The film we were originally gonna do wasn't made because the director/writer was sick, so we did my silly script.

This was also when we lost a team member and gained 3 new crewmates, so co-ordination was subpar at best.

Overall, not my proudest film, but there are parts I like.

Bradlander [2023]

My first major shortfilm!

This was the first film I produced in my Screen and Media course, with a group of 3 others, I was the camera operator, and editor for this film!

Not an amazing film by my standards now, but it does hold a special place in my heart (o゜▽゜)o☆

Also I'm not an actor in this film (I'm in none of them... YET!)